Day 1: The main character is established. The hungry caterpillar eats through a single red apple

Day 2: The caterpillar eats through 2 green pears.

Day 3: The caterpillar eats through 3 purple plums.

Day 4: The caterpillar eats through 4 red strawberries.

Day 5: The caterpillar eats through 5 whole oranges.

Day 6: On this day, the caterpillar devours his way through many, many different foods: chocolate cake, ice-cream, a pickle, swiss cheese, salami, a lollipop, a cherry pie, a single sausage, a cupcake , a whole slice of watermelon. The caterpillar then receives abdominal pain as a result of eating all this food.

Day 7: The caterpillar eats through a single leaf, which makes the caterpillar feel better.

Final chapter: The caterpillar forms a chrysalis and becomes a butterfly



Volví a ayunar ayer miércoles y hoy jueves me siento bien. No me hace falta la comida :o me pone algo nerviosa eso! Además ando algo hiperactiva así que debo quemar montón de calorías :)

Una pequena reflexión: el 88 es mi número favorito. Y como no pienso pesar 88kg, lo traspasé a pounds, lo que quiere decir que 88 lbs son 40kg. Suena un número bonito y exacto :D
No deja de preocuparme un poquito el hecho de que no me de hambre... (me obligaré a comer aunque sea un poco)

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